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 Supposedly  Jetnet AA .com and other media can be selectively load writings news and opinions as the Press are public institutions that affect people's lives.

This paper is not only addressed to detik.com alone, but is addressed to all media, both electronic and print press. may be useful for all of us, so that we as a society we are more selective and clear thinking so that people become wise and prudent.

2. The case of a fictitious interview took place in Surabaya. A newspaper reporter in Surabaya lowered news interview results with a wife Nurdin M Top. To reassure the public, the reporter to describe how the interview took place. Because it comes from a trusted source that said, the results of these interviews course a wide public attention. However, it was later revealed, it turns out the interview fictitious aka false because it is never done at all. Wife Nurdin M Top was then being sick throat so to speak difficult, let alone testified at length as the interview report. Journalists of this daily had never met with the wife of suspected terrorists and there was never any interviews at all.

3. Coverage Antasari case involving a woman named Rani by TV One. According Advisory Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI), Tribunal Said Center on Tuesday, when the discussion Journalistic Code of Ethics Case Studies in Building Press Council, an indication of the violation can be seen from the news that less balanced because it only uses a statement from the police alone. In addition, adding, Tribunal, speakers who used only the secondary sources, such as family and neighbors Rani Rani, not primary sources.

Article has been violated by the news division in broadcast TV One news Antasari - Rani is Article 3: Indonesian Journalists always test information, preaching in a balanced way, not mixing fact and opinions are judgmental, and apply the presumption of innocence. In the above case, the TV journalist One only uses statements from the police, do not use data from primary sources, namely Antasari or Rani